Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Perfect Fry

French fries.


And somehow looking at mine. They look badly done. Mainly because half of these are actually old fries from the night before I suspect.

Maybe it was due to me catching the lady just opening up her stall too early and badgering her for some fries to save me the subsequent 5 min walk back. Hey it's *optimization* not laziness. :D

Anyhow, while biting into some crunchy on the outside, succulent on the inside french fries, my teeth found a biter. I mean a log. I mean an ice pick. I mean something that was obviously left over the night before to chill away in the company of ......... better left unmentionables............ and then to find its way into the deep fryer again and then into my mouth.

Not a pretty thought.

But to get some revenge, I'm going to post a dead fly meter here. Just to keep count of how many of those little buggers I've killed. We all got to have hobbies sometimes.


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