Thursday, July 30, 2009


Failure is not an option. That's a common line doled out in action movies where the hero or heroine or group of said heroes must overcome the odds to reach their goal. Maybe they'll die gory deaths. Maybe they'll lose whatever they hold dear. But along the way they have to sacrifice something precious and make hard decisions to reach their goal.

But what if failure is an option? That would be an interesting point to take.

Growing up, the only thing coined was, "You can't fail". If you fail, even once, you're labelled a failure for life, which probably led me to be totally disillusioned by the government's meritocratic picture of perfection. Of course, they could fail. After all, it's all covered up with alabaster and spin put on to cover the failure as nothing significant. It's easy to fail and then, hypocritically point the finger at others when they themselves could not reach their own high, nigh impossible standards.

But is failure really so bad? The critical parent would say yes. But frankly, failure is good only if one learns from it. I liked how Edison turned his 1000 or more attempts to making the lightbulb as 1000 steps to making a lightbulb. Tenacity and perseverance will win out eventually if we can tough it, and in the process build our own character and values up.

The world outside is harsh and being overprotected is not really the best way to go about many things. I wish I were more exposed when I was 15. I wished I had a year of choosing and wandering to decide what life was worth and what was worth doing. Too bad an insanely long conscription time and hopeless government family values put paid to that. So for that one year, I'm paying it back in 10 years of wandering.

Will I find my eventual destination? I don't know. But I do know it's not where I'm from and frankly that's now place I would want to return to.

But failure, is probably, in the course of life, a viable option. One that teaches people not to give up, to pick themselves up, start over and hope for the best again. I hope I just don't stay there permanently.



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