Friday, July 31, 2009


Black is depressing according to conventional philosophy. They call depression the black dog. I guess it wouldn't have sounded bleak if it was the blue dog of depression or the yellow dog of depression. God forbid the red dog of depression. Anyhow, black seems to associate itself with all things morbid, death, decay, the unending cycle of chaos, etc.

Most evil alignments, if you're into RPGs - role playing games for people not in the know - are coloured with black. Does it really matter though?

Is white really that pure that I can't call black beautiful? White speaks of brightness, of clarity, while black is just a haze of nothingness. But what if one was stuck in a room with nothing but white walls in isolation? Would not white be the colour of depression then? Perhaps madness?

Maybe in such a case the colour wouldn't really matter anymore.

But in black, one feels isolated, trapped, alone.

I'm just waiting for the fashion campaign where they one day go, Black, the new white.

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