Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Back to Munich

I am going off for a few days, well 5 actually, to Munich (München for you germans but then again I'm sure you already know that).

I used to live there for 2 years so it's all cool. To me, Munich is to Germany what London is to the UK. Still, I'm sure there are new things to see and discover there. Nevertheless, I'll go for my usual Schweinhaxe (Pork leg for english speakers and Teah Kah for dialect speakers) and Radler at a beergarden or the Hofbrauhaus if time and energy permits.

I have lots of piccies of Munich, but since I started this blog, I figure in the interests of all thing new, to just start being a wide-eyed asian tourist. No one questions us when we point and shoot our cameras. It's all in the stereotype. I don't really care as long as I get the pics which I need.

OK, so see you all in 5. Hope to have some stuff to blog in case any of you decide to go there yourselves one day


Blogger Dippers said...

War comes to all. In small ways and large. Any conflict in its technicality is war in its essence.

4:35 PM  

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