Thursday, September 14, 2006

You're Not Alone

I was popping around wikipedia today as I tend to do when I'm bored and I came across this site. Aptly titled Gamer Widow, it's by women and men whose other half have been buried in games for way too long and for way too much for like-minded people. I can't complain, I used to be stuck in games *cough* WoW *cough* for longer than I should have been. I don't think wifey liked it too much, but there was nothing anyone could have done until I realized it myself that I was in too deep and it was time to get out. After some time, there is just no satisfaction in it anymore.

Some descriptions I read reminded me so much of myself. You play the game. Shit happens in real life. You retreat into your shell of games, your paradise where real life does not intrude, where you're the king, where you rule supreme, where there is no real Game Over until the server crashes. Then you're well and truly stumped on what to do because your world has just fallen apart. So you stare at the computer screen and hope beyond hope that those lazy buggers at Blizzard are actually working and not drinking themselves drunk in the server room. But given the propensity of lagging servers and bad customer service, I'd say drunk is a given.

The gaming world, being a microcosm of the real world, is full of the same. People stuck in MMORPGs will find themselves mired in endless grinding (ie. computer game term for WORK except that it's much worse because you have to pay bills and get no money in return unless you own the souls of chinese gold farmers), endless lag, endless politics ( and you thought you wanted to play just for the fun - there's no such thing if you want to enjoy the FULL game), endless people coming up and saying "I want to join your guild, it's so 1337", and endless lag. Oh, and did I mention the lag?

I don't know who this guy is, but his story comes closest to what I experienced myself. Ever since I've stopped, life has taken a whole new turn for me, and to be honest, I don't ever want to go back. Going back is to lead myself back to the dark side. It only leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to smashing your computer into itty bitty pieces, which leads to a bill for a new computer, which leads to interest payments which you can't pay because you lost your job playing your MMORPG, which leads to total meltdown in all aspects of your life. Maybe I'm exagerating a little, maybe not. Who knows? Only you know the truth about yourself.

The bottom line is, I thought games were good. They are if you keep it healthy, but get in too deep and it becomes like a drug addiction as shown here. Congratulations, you don't need your bong and weed anymore because you've got Evercrack, World of Warcrack, etc. Talk about how subtle somethings are. You don't know it until it hits you, and then, it's almost always way too late. Get out while you can. You won't regret it.

All run, it's the DREADED HOBBIT FEET!!!!

NB - I've no idea why I posted this, but what the heck, I should just go with the flow. Unless you see me dancing. Then you should run far far away lest you get hit with the hobbit feet of doom! Muhahahahaha!!!


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