Thursday, September 07, 2006

Ker Splat!

Finally. The weather has gotten a little warmer these last few days, which means that the flies have been popping out for a spin or two. I went to the Burger King last Monday after dancing lesson and when I was ordering, I counted at least 12 flies flying about. I'm sure there were more around but I didn't really want to find out.

It's amazing how such issues are dealt with in Europe. In Singapore, the BK would have received a health warning at the very least if the health inspectors saw it. But in Germany, it seems normal to just put up with this in the summer. Why better measures are not taken for the sake of better hygiene is beyond me.

Anyhow, this meant that I could get my trusty fly swatter out for some action. Finally, the duck is broken. I've managed to get some flies that tried to get my food. Hopefully they'll learn not to enter my flat again because I'll be happy and willing to swat them. There's nothing more irritating trying to enjoy a meal and at the same time actively waving the flies away. It just degenerates into a race on whether I finish my food first before the fly gets to it, or me getting the fly. And I have to say, the messes those buggers leave behind aren't pretty or easy to clean off.

I was surfing the web the other day, and came across this beauty of a fly killer. A fly gun! Whoever thought of the concept really had the light bulb on upstairs. And they are cheap too, to boot. What's more interesting is the site is quite informative about the hazards flies pose to us.

An excerpt - Flies can lay 200 - 3000 eggs in its life time.

For every fly I off, I've saved myself a lot more trouble later on.

Currently, the fly meter is at 8 ker splats. ^^

I'll keep this continually updated hehehe.


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