Thursday, September 07, 2006

Wedding Crashers

I just finished watching Wedding Crashers and I have to say it's quite a nice film. Some parts of it were a little incoherent plot wise and maybe there was some mindless plotlines at the end which I didn't catch, but I had to admit I was laughing at some parts of the movie.

What I did realize however, was that at some scenes, I found myself mentally trying to distance away from the film because I was starting to feel attached to the characters. This is usually what happens if there's a little romantic scene or language. I simply don't allow myself to feel what should happen and let it flow. Which is sad, really. Because that's the entire reason of watching a film, whether be it to feel happy, sad, ecstatic, angry, etc. The whole purpose of the film is to move our emotions. If I cannot feel in a film, then it would be hard for me to make a film.

That being said, I found Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn playing their usual normal selves that they play in movies so that's not much of a change. The character I found most fun was the nutcase daughter of the Secretary of the Treasury (who's played by Christopher Walken) played by Isla Fisher. Her antics are stress relieving. Wild, zany, over the top but attention catching. Catch it if you want a good laugh or to destress. It's all good.

Sometimes I wonder why do movies have happy endings. Almost all have a good ending such that it's become almost passe. Maybe it's in each of us to want a happy ending for the character and intrinsically implying us as well in each of our lives. No one wants to deliberately be sad. Excluding drama queens of course.

Now on to another question I found myself pondering about. My flat is closed the entire day when I'm off to work. Yet when I get home, how do I find flies flying around in it? No one's home to open it up for them. I don't think they've hit the technological level of being able to break into my flat ala Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible. So the question begs an answer. How????

I'd interrogate them but I prefer giving them lessons in WHOOOOOOOOOOOSH SPLAT!

UP to date DEAD FLY meter - 16 ----> would have been 17 if I was more afraid of messing my flatscreen monitor than actually killing the fly. Nonetheless it dropped into a dark recess behind my cupboard and never showed up again after I hit it in there.

NB - Post typed while listening to Enya's Fairytale. Looping tracks for the win.


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