Sunday, December 10, 2006

Inverse Polarity

I'm awake at 6am. This comes as a huge shock to me, and for those who know me, I don't know what happeneed, but now my eyes start falling sleepy at around 10 am and then I just knock out a little later. Wierd actually, since I'm usually a night owl sorta person. Not that I'm complaining mind you. I've been actually trying to get to bed in a proper sort of time and rhythm, and this pops in just nicely before film school starts - what with the hectic schedule, I just wanted to get this part of my life sorted out. I guess it boils down to, what God fixes, just don't ask how it happened, just be thankful that it did happen. :D

Now I'm still wracking my brains over what to get wifey for Christmas. I'm really stumped because I've gone through the lists and still haven't come up with anything suitable. Maybe I don't want repetition. Maybe I just give her way too many things. I'm the sort of person that figures if she'll like something I'll just buy and give it to her now and not later. Of course that this exhausts my gift giving options later on is self-explanatory. Hmmm hmmm hmm hmm. I saw this DVD in the local shop and maybe I'll get this.

Warning - contains disturbing scenes that might offend viewers. Indeed.

Film school wise, plans keep on changing on the accommodation, but everything seems to be shifting in the right direction. Slowly but surely I think it'll be okay, although there's always the nagging worry sometimes that getting to London without any accommodation isn't really the best thing to do. But I'm happy that's solved now - kudos to LondonChinese on the Overseas s'pore website. Will share more later on once I ironed out the details.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Chris,

How about making something for her? Like...origami? I had done that for Anika last Christmas :)

Check out for some ideas.

Kai Siang

1:58 AM  

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