Friday, December 08, 2006

Not Standing Insitu

The search for accommodation goes on. Most of London is really priced horribly expensive it's hard to believe. Of course London being London isn't really an excuse, but still, it *is* overpriced for a badly planned, badly arranged city. It could have been better than it was before the great fire, but they chose to continue building on top of existing plans - if one could even call those plans.

Anyhow, we've come across several potential sites and hope they turn out successful. I'm just going to cross my fingers and pray for the best. Let you know soon whether it all works out. Big kudos to those helping me and my flatmates look for a flat in London.

Now to more European affairs -

The weather here is getting really asian. I never thought I'd see huge torrential rainpour in Germany, but I guess I was mistaken. And in the middle of cold weather. Back home, warm weather and rain was often welcomed, and then the resulting humidity arising afterwards was tolerated with some slight disdain, at least I did that. But pop into the air-conditioned malls and you're alright again! :D Here, there's no such thing. It's just cold winds making your already numb fingers even number, and in buildings, it's not toasty warm but - you guessed it - chillingly cold sans air-conditioning.

Brrrrr........... and they all say I dress like an eskimo. Better to be warm I say, than being macho but freezing all over. No, that's *not* a good feeling, if you get my drift.


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