Sunday, May 06, 2007

Second Term Begins...

I'm feeling kinda miffed because the digital section of my camera is broken. Strangely, it didn't happen in the last 2 years when I really abused my camera by chucking it under heavy objects in my bag, but it had to happen now, under some tubgs of yogurt and lettuce. Goes to show the evil inherent in milk-based products.

So I went to get it checked out at the local electronic store, and guess what, they offered to charge me 50 Euros just to give me an estimation on how much it would actually cost to get the camera repaired. 50 EUROS!!! FOR NOTHING!!! And you wonder how the heck the economy runs in Germany. So I promptly said, thanks but nuh-uh. I'll happily buy a new camera across the corridor from *your* competitor. Adios! Gotta love the power of choice.

I do wish I had more internet access though, so I can keep the blog running regularly. I calculated how much an annual contract with BT with cost me in London and it worked out to be - including installation costs - around 55 pounds per month. In other words, NOT worth it. Strange thing is, I've got a phone box downstairs which isn't used, but the landlady doesn't want to use it for internet purposes. Oh well. Some people are just plain wierd. Or backwards, or both.

But back to the camera, I'd have taken some nice shots for the blog this week, but seeing as it's out of commission....

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