Monday, September 25, 2006

Of Churches and Condoms

The service on Sunday was good. Me, being the perennial late riser, finds it a miracle if I'm in church attending the early morning service. This is probably because I'm spoilt silly by my church back home which allows us to choose from 4 services. Those people back home have no idea how it is like to go for church in the cold in winter with cold winds blowing through every part of your body.

The message was good, being about freely giving without compulsion or emotional blackmail from others. I rememeber my first church back home and their friendly "pressuring" on how we had to give above and beyond our means for their funds. If we could not, then we did not have enough faith. Of course it didn't matter that we were students at that time. At least I know better now, and avoid such places like the plague. Giving should always be freely and joyfully - not coerced out of you. I even managed to get a nice pic after church to add to my collection.

Yes, I'm pro-contraception. That and the concept is so cool. I mean, asparagus, who would have thought about the many uses of it. Now they can add another one to the list. Next thing, it'll be known as a sex aid, but I'll leave that to the people who have a fetish for vegetables and rubber to sort out.

I hope everyone has a great week! 6 more days till I reach back home and to proper asian food. Oh, I can't wait. Yummy yummy. I hope that my camera works back home because I don't know where I left my software lying about so I can't upload anything unless I buy a new camera which would really hurt. But wait, it's asia. Everything is 50% the price of Europe, so maybe I'll splurge after all.


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