Thursday, September 28, 2006

Trois! Trois! Trois!

Everything went well today. The last meeting in Europe where I handed over my responsibilities. A little sad, melancholic, but it was good. I got to define myself in the company and left a good foundation behind for future growth. Of course whether they take advantage of that is another matter entirely. Still it's out of my hands now, and I've got my future to look forward to.

It's a sense of satisfaction when growth is consistently good, and I still don't know how it happened. Seriously speaking, I'm one of the blurrest - blurest - blur sotong - guys you will ever meet. So for this to happen, it's got to be God lol. Those who knew me since my school days would probably utter that. No problem by me on that account. ^^

Looking back 4 years ago - time flies, huh - I was so unsure of what my plan was, where to go, what to do, how to achieve anything, but now 4 years later, I realized it's only been for good. I got to learn how to buy beer and pork knuckles in german, got to love Munich, do business in Europe from scratch, penetrate key European markets, and learnt about different cultures. All in all, not too shabby.

Which leads me to..... 3 more days before I get home! I can't wait because I'm on the hunt for the newest Jars of Clay Album "Good Monsters". Why am I not buying it in Europe? Because it's an import here and in Asia it's at least 50% cheaper. Heh, I can't wait. If you're curious about their album, you can go here and take a listen to some tracks.

3 more days. Of course those 3 days will go quick and then when you step out the door of Changi Airport, you'll only want to keblakan puseng (do a 180 degree turn in Malay - it's a military marching command) and get back to Europe where the weather and especially the air, is less humid and cruel to the skin. Time to start packing my bags and buying gifts.


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