Monday, October 16, 2006

1 Night's Dream

You know, I've given up on time and trying to catch up on my blog for the last week or so mainly because it's not easy trying to update a periphery of one's life when one is trying hard to pull together disparate strings in the real world. Granted that the blog is a record of these attempts, I should keep it up more often.

So let's dust off the old and bring in the newly minted past. We got a nice night's stay at the Mandarin Oriental thanks to our voucher from last year's wedding celebrations. I have to say that we got a nice room with another great view of the harbour. I don't know how to put it, but there's something romantic about great views and hotel rooms and a pretty girl at your side *hint hint*. Here are some pics from last week when we spent some time there.

Night View from the Oriental

Another pic of the room

Another night pic - nice isn't it?

Anyhow, the timing of the room was great however we had a little problem after bible study at Suntec City because most of the shops were closed so we couldn't get any dinner. After walking round quickly, it was about 10.15pm on a Thursday already, we finally decided on Paulaner's Brauhaus. Not a good choice, but we didn't want to be going to bed hungry, but the bill came up to like 45 Sing dollars. Yucks...... I can get 3 times the amount of beer in Germany from Paulaner than from the Singapore branch - moneysuckers all of them.

After returning to the hotel room, we both felt kind of disatisfied. You know, the feeling you get when everything seems to be fine on the surface, yet you're totally disatisfied inside, like when there's something deep inside you stirring and telling you that there's something more to life, there's something more than just this existence on earth, and that there's something more than the night that will make it truly special.

Even though it was past midnight, we decided to walk out and find a place to eat, I knew one 24 hour place about 20 mins away around CHIJMES, but to walk in the haze and the humidity - yucks.... but you know, God is good. It took a real life example to show me how faith actually works. Sometimes, the answers are in front of our eyes but we do not see them for the obstacles.

I planned to walked 20 mins to get food, but around the corner at the Esplanade, there was a hawker area which was blocked by another building. The location was just across the road from the hotel but since it was blocked by the building opposite, we could not see it from our room. It took us to decide to get off our butts, and walk outside the hotel. We turned the first curve and we saw it, right next to the seaside. We really couldn't believe our eyes that the answer was right next to us, but if we didn't step out, we would never have seen it.

So we spent the night next to the beach talking till 3am eating chye tow kuey AKA carrot cake. Something mediocre turned into something great when some faith was placed into the situation. My most vivid recollection of the situation was when wifey just was happily saying "we're so blessed!" God is good.


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