Friday, October 06, 2006

Singapore Days 1 to 3

Ok, time to deal with this horror of a kezboard. Get used to it because you're going to be seeing lots of y's and z's misplaced from their current positions in the english waz of doing things. If there's one who loves bastardiying languages it would be me. You don't want to know what I've done to German in the 4 zears I've learnt the language.

Anyhow, here's a pic of the train station and the train we took. It's great getting to Frankfurt Airport in 35 mins even though it's close to 200 km away because this train goes around 250 km/h. The ICE Trains - Ultra Sleek, Ultra Fast, and totally useless when the air-conditioning doesn't work in summer. And the bottom picture, two of my favourite things. My girl and the food machine, useful when you're starving.

Anyhow, we finally got to Singapore after a very good flight on SQ 325. Note that I'll only ever take Singapore Airlines back home. We tried it a while back with Thai airlines, and it sucked. Let's just say their air crew had eyes but were effectively blind as they could not see what was outside their peripheral vision when they were serving their food and drinks. Also, Bangkok airport is a mess when it comes to transiting. Conclusion - Avoid Thai Airways at ALL COSTS. You've been warned.

We touched down on Monday morning and were greeted by the humidity, and worse of all, the horrible Haze that was sweeping over the island from forest cutters in Indonesia. Sometimes, you wonder why these people keep chopping down trees even though it destroys the fragile ecosystem that is earth. Oh zeah, it's because China doesn't want to use up its own resources so it buys up other countries' resources and burns up the world. Conspiracy theory, sure, but who knows the truth eh? The haze sucks, period. Try staring into smoke for 3 hours while trying to shop with contacts on. It *is* EBIL. Oh wait, I don't wear contacts. Muhahahaha.

On wednesday night, I met up with my college class and we all talked about old times, good times, bad times, and who was doing what with whom and with what, etc. Basic catching up 101 on all whom we knew. Here's a pic of my dish that night in the Japanese restaurant in Wheelock Place. I think it was Japanese rice with minced pork overlaid with fried plums. Very spicy and very good. Oh, and a pic of my classmates. How time flies. It's been 12 years and we've all moved on in different directions. Interesting lives.

Somehow the pictures don't seem to want to be uploaded which is wierd. Don't blame me, blame Blogger. I'll do another post and upload them.


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