Friday, June 15, 2007

The Moron Living Below Me

I've been living in London for 5 and a half months now, and living in the room below me was an indian guy. Well, he was there for only a month before he moved out. Apparently he was stupid enough to trust a 'guy' he met back home in India to transfer his school fees of 2000 pounds. Now this being India and the pound being the strongest currency in the world at the moment, it was not a surprise that his 'trusted friend' took the money and 'walked' nee 'ran literally. His incensed parents just forced him to fly back home to India. The fallout was bad, with his girlfriend crying and complaining of his actions. Well, can't blame her.

Anyhow, this sets up the scene. Room below me is empty. Who should move in but a couple of Romanians who have been living in the room next to his on the bottom level. They were living under fellow romanians and they complained of nothing but the noise those fellow countrymen of theirs made at night. This being London and him being a workman and all for 10 years or so, you'd expect him to be smarter. London houses are not known for their quality. It's cheap cardboard walls within cold uninsulated brick walls. No wonder people freeze to death in winter and burn up in summer. Frankly, the UK should be carpet bombed. Then maybe, they might have a chance to build some actually decent housing for once. All this talk of going green is a joke because the rest of Europe has done it without all the 'spin' that the UK puts on it.

But that's another issue. Today is about Romanians ie. the ones living below me. Knowing that the ceilings are of wood and that there's no sound dampening in effect, they chose to live under my room. Next they complain about the noise when I move my chair or walk across the room. They complain that they can't sleep. I tell them 'get some earplugs'. No he says. 'I wear them at work all day and I don't want to wear them at home'. Frankly, this romanian is a spoilt tosser who should be deported all the way back. He complains people don't treat him like a british citizen but as an eastern european when he holds a british passport after working here for 12 years. Well with behaviour such as this, I'm not blaming them for that.

Anyhow, I came home after Ocean's 13 last night a little after midnight and tried to cook some food in the microwave. Ah, walking around in slippers is too much noise for his oh, so sensitive ears. So he exits and removes my fuses or circuit breakers from the electrical board so that I don't have any electricity running to my room. Well, he thinks this is going to intimidate me. On the contrary, he's made a stupid mistake.

And Ocean's 13 was great. Typical Ocean's fare. The best part was the Oprah subplot with Andy Garcia at the end for me.


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